Monday, January 23, 2017

Mister Monday (Keys to the Kingdom Series #1) by Garth Nix

Mister Monday by Garth Nix
Genre: Fantasy, YA, Fiction
Format: Paperback
Rating: ++++
Bought: So long ago, I can't remember. Possibly B&N
Mister Monday


Arthur Penhaligon is not supposed to be a hero. He is, in fact, supposed to die an early death. But then his life is saved by a key shaped like the minute hand of a clock.

Arthur is safe - but his world is not. Along with the key comes a plague brought by bizarre creatures from another realm. A stranger named Mister Monday, his avenging messengers with bloodstained wings, and an army of dog-faced Fetchers will stop at nothing to get the key back - even if it means destroying Arthur and everything around him.

Desperate, Arthur ventures into a mysterious house - a house that only he can see. It is in this house that Arthur must unravel the secrets of the key - and discover his true fate.


So...I read this book A LONG time ago, like probably around 10 years ago. I made it through 4 books in the series and was waiting for book 5 when I forgot about it. Kind of happens when you read a ton of books. So I was home for the holiday's, and I saw this book and thought I wonder if the series is finished (it totally was it's been 10 years) and I picked the book back up.

Best idea ever. I read three of the books in like 2 days. They are quick reads for people who read fast and even if you don't you'll read them fairly quickly. The story pulls you in immediately. It's not an overly complicated story line so it's perfect for young adults and teens. It may be too advanced for children under the age of 12 (maybe 10)

The plot line keeps you intrigued the whole time but isn't too dark like the Harry Potter books. The story moves and escalates quickly so there is no waiting boring period. It's a very creative story line with interesting characters, ideas, and creatures. There's magic, mystery and more! I'm a big Garth Nix fan so it's no wonder I like this story.

I will say that I find Arthur's character a bit irritating at times, but that's because he's a boy that was pulled into something he didn't want. Which is a very typical hero story line.


I really enjoyed this book again. I forgot a bit of what had happened since I last read it which was good. It's definitely intriguing plus there's 7 books total to keep you entertained. This was a quick read, perfect for a vacation or beach book. Something easy that doesn't require too much thinking - but is still incredibly entertaining.

There's a bunch of people on GoodReads who did not like this story, not sure why. It's very different from the Abhorsen series - which is a lot more complicated than this story line. I feel that the Abhorsen series is for older teens and adults while this story line is geared more towards young teens and children (though adults can enjoy it too, I certainly did). When you take that into account, this book is a good book. But haters gonna hate I guess.


If you like fantasy novels. If you enjoyed Harry Potter and are looking for something similar or something not as dark.

Have you read this book? If so, let me know in the comments below :) Or if you have any questions!!

Happy Reading!
xoxo Allison

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