Sunday, September 25, 2016

The 9th Girl by Tami Hoag

The 9th Girl by Tami Hoag
Genre: Crime Fiction, Mystery
Format: Audiobook
Rating: +++
Bought at Barnes and Noble
Good Reads The 9th Girl


On a frigid New Year's Eve in Minneapolis, a young woman's brutalized body falls from the truck of a car into the path of oncoming traffic. Questions as to whether she was alive or dead when she hit the icy pavement result in her macabre nickname, Zombie Doe. Unidentified and unidentifiable, she is the ninth nameless female victim of the year, and homicide detectives Sam Kovac and Nikki Liska are charged with the task of not only finding out who Zombie Doe is but who in her life hated her enough to destroy her. Was it personal, or could it just have been a crime of opportunity? Their greatest fear is that not only is she their ninth Jane Doe of the year but that she may be the ninth victim of a vicious, transient serial killer they have come to call Doc Holiday.

Crisscrossing America's heartland, Doc Holiday chooses his victims at random, snatching them in one city and leaving them in another, always on a holiday. If Zombie Doe is one of his victims, he has brought his gruesome game to a new and more terrifying level. But as Kovac and Liska  being to uncover the truth, they will find that the monsters in their ninth girl's life may have lived closer to home. And even as another young woman disappears, they have to ask the question: Which is the greater evil- the devil you know or the devil you don't?


I was not into this book at first. This was an audiobook and I couldn't get past the readers voice. Granted I had just come off of The Silkworm audiobook which had a very good reader. This reader really struggled with the female voices, they definitely were not believable. So would it be better to read the book? Maybe.

I don't think the book was poorly written, just not as developed as it needed to be. It had a lot of potential, but it fell short. This is the 4th book in the Kovac and Liska series, and I have only read/listened this one. So is it jsut this book or the whole series? I'd have to read the other books to find out, but after coming off of this one I don't think I will. Once again, I may be a bit biased because I listened to a really good crime fiction novel just before listening to this one and this one just can't compare.

I didn't realize this book was the 4th in a series, so that tells me that you do not have to read the other 3 novels before reading this one. They are stand alone and do not have to be read in order. I never even had the feeling that this wasn't the only book, which I like.

The 9th girl had mildly surprising plot twists and it was easy to follow along. The book ended too neatly almost, which I find irritating but others may find comfort in the ending. I found myself wanting more out of the book once it had ended.


Would I read the other books in the series? Probably not. Would I read other novels by this author? Yes. This book had a very good plot idea it just wasn't executed as well as it should have been. I found myself wanting more out of the book and not getting it. Maybe I would have enjoyed the novel if I had read it instead of listened to it. It was hard to pay attention with the reader.

Suggested For:

Newbies to crime fiction. If you have never read/listened to a crime fiction novel, this book is for you. It is easy to follow with some surprising plot twists. It's perfect for those who want to step into the crime fiction world. I would suggest the book and not the audiobook for this one. Maybe start with the first book in the series instead of the 4th like me.

(6 CD set)

Let me know if you enjoyed the book or what you want me to review next :)


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